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Prayer to Saint Wendelin 

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Prayer to Saint Wendelin


O God, Who didst enlighten Thy faithful servant, St. Wendelin,with Thine inspirations to shun the vanities and riches of this world, we humbly beseech Thee to make our hearts also yearn only for the treasures of heaven.

O Thou, who didst treasure the humility of Thy servant, St. Wendelin, and by his intercession didst cure the infirmities of body and soul, grant us the grace to rely on his powerful protection in our struggles with the Power of Darkness.  We implore Thee, O God through the intercession of St. Wendelin, (Here specify your petition) and to share with him some day the eternal happiness in heaven, through Christ Our Lord Amen.

St. Wendelin, Patron of our Parish, Pray for Us!